Saturday, February 26, 2011

Crock Pot Spicy Chicken Pumpkin Soup

This recipe combined the best of both worlds for me - pumpkin and crock pot. At least once or twice a week, I try to throw something in the crock pot to relieve the Hub of cooking dinner when he gets home an hour and a half before I do. By the time I added all the ingredients, my crock pot was full so I didn't have room for the full four cups of chicken broth. This worked out OK because it wasn't necessary to thicken the soup when it was done saving the calories of 1/2 cup of heavy cream and the cornstarch. It was still more stew-like than soup-like, but I got no complaints from anyone. The recipe author felt it was too spicy for children, but ours didn't turn out spicy at all. We ate it over rice. Everyone like it and I would definitely make it again.

1 comment:

  1. I have been such a failure with my crock pot lately... nothing good has come out of it in a long time! LOL! Glad this was a winner :)


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