Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pumpkin Tapioca Pudding

The Hub loves tapioca pudding. For the past forty years, he's been making up a huge bowl of it several times a year to give himself a tapioca hit. He's the only one who eats it so after he finishes up the bowl, he's good for a while. I knew he would love this pumpkin tapioca recipe from the PBS food website, but after searching all my neighborhood stores, I couldn't find regular pearl tapioca. So my final product is a combination of this recipe and the one on the box of minute tapioca. I steamed the pumpkin and added the cubes whole instead of mashing them. The box recipe calls for 2 3/4 cups of milk which I divided between the coconut milk and skim milk. The Hub declared it a winner. Another great way to get fresh pumpkin into your diet.

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